
blog/Check out how the release of Brazil’s Childhood was!
Check out how the release of Brazil’s Childhood was!

The last Saturday, 12th of September, the Gibiteca de Curitiba got crowded with guests that wanted to watch the workshop by José Aguiar, which marked the official release of the first chapter of the comics. The public that was there travelled through the interactive possibilities in our webcomic, though the career and new projects of the author and especially through the importance of rescuing and discussing Brazil’s History from the perspective of the childhood.

Those who turned up also received a free pressed sample from a magazine preview of our project. We, at Quadrinhofilia, thank Gibiteca coordinator Maristela Garcia for hosting us once again in her venue. We also thank Fundação Cultural de Curitiba and Caixa Cultural for the incentive that enabled this project to come true.

We immensely thank each of our present friends, the interested, the team of the project, and everyone that turned that night into a historical event! In November, we are going to be at FIQ, International Comics Festival, promoting our webcomic! By the way, have you read the first chapter? Follow us every month, after all the journey has just begun!


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